You’ve been searching for a long time, but you’re not exactly sure for what.

It feels like something inside you is missing, incomplete or unsettled. Perhaps you grew up in a religious or spiritual setting where you were taught what you “should” believe. Your questions were met with neatly packaged answers. Things were so simple and easy back then: all you had to do was “just believe.”

spirituality counseling in san diego

When real life hit, however, some of the answers you had come to know as “true” were flipped upside down.

You were left feeling lost, confused, angry and isolated. Life as you once knew it changed: you no longer saw things in black and white, and whether you liked it or not, you had to get comfortable with the grey.

Maybe you’re still trying to get comfortable.

Like others, you may be experiencing any of the following:

  • You’re searching for answers, but feel like you keep coming up short

  • You’re not sure what you believe anymore, or you find yourself experiencing conflict between your faith or spiritual tradition and other parts of you 

  • You know or have heard that spirituality is important, but you don’t know where to begin

  • Maybe your belief system has failed you in a big way, and you’re not sure how to pick up the pieces 

  • You feel like a stranger in the faith community that you grew up in, or maybe you experienced spiritual abuse by your pastor/spiritual leader/church

  • You don’t believe in any higher power, but are longing for some sort of spiritual connection

Spiritual counseling in San Diego can help.

One of the main benefits of spiritual counseling is that it can help you foster a deeper connection to yourself.

You will come to know yourself more wholly, becoming more attuned to your inner world. This not only allows you to connect with yourself in a new way, but allows you to be more present and authentic in your relationships.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, other benefits of spiritual counseling include:

  • Helps people cope with difficult life situations

  • Teaches compassion, forgiveness and gratitude

  • Enhances a person’s sense of self and empowerment through the choice to decide what their practice looks like

  • Fosters an individual’s connection to what they believe in and their own personal growth

  • Encourages meditation and self-reflection

  • Leads to a meaningful life philosophy

  • Renews a sense of belonging in the world

  • Inspires appreciation and awareness of a person’s interaction with the physical environment

"What is the ideal for mental health, then? A lived, compelling illusion that does not lie about life, death, and reality..."
–Ernest Becker

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What makes our San Diego spiritual counselors different.

A spiritual journey has many peaks and valleys, and it's something that humans still wrestle with. One of the things that makes us unique as spiritual therapists: We don’t claim to have all the answers or to have everything figured out. We only profess to be on a similar, but unique journey—just like you.

Each of our San Diego spiritual counselors have their own backgrounds which inform the way the way they work—from studying theology at seminary, to engaging in life-long mediation practices, to being active Buddhist practitioners, and more.

Spiritual abuse can leave you feeling broken.

If you have suffered spiritual abuse, it can have lasting negative effects on your life. It can make you feel like there is something wrong with you or leave you riddled with guilt.

We have worked with several people who have been seriously wounded by their faith tradition or people in their religious community, including cult survivors and those involved in extreme fundamentalist faith traditions.

While spiritual trauma can leave you feeling confused and empty, our experience has taught us that there is life after spiritual abuse and finding inner peace is possible.

“I’m atheist/agnostic how can spiritual therapy help me?”

non-denominational spiritual counseling san diego

Although the word “spirituality” can conjure up images of meditation bells, prayer beads, silent retreats, and the like, being spiritual doesn’t have to “look” or be a certain way.

Holistic spiritual counseling can help you identify and more fully know what your values are.

Why is this important? When faced with big life decisions—such as starting or developing a new relationship, changing careers, and so on—knowing your values can help protect you against taking unwanted detours—in other words, it can serve as a standard by which to compare all things to. This helps you more quickly identify things that are in your best interest, as well as things that may compromise your values and put you at risk.

We feel humbled by the fact that many of our clients have told us that where they’ve felt judged or misunderstood for their views in the past, they have felt accepted and heard working with us.

Our San Diego spirituality therapists can help you in person and online.

If you've been wanting to move beyond the shallow and into the introspection of the deep and unknown, our San Diego spiritual counseling can be the platform for such discovery.

Whole Wellness Therapy offers spiritual counseling online and at all of our San Diego counseling office locations.